
List of hotels
around Plaza Verde

The hotels around Numazu Station have a total of 1,500 rooms, including hotels directly connected to Plaza Verde, and can accommodate up to 2,000 people.

List of hotels
around Mishima Station

JR Mishima Station is a stop for the bullet train and is located one station from JR Numazu (ride time 5 minutes). The hotels near Mishima Station are also substantial and convenient to use.

  • Fujisan Mishima Tokyu Hotel

    Hotel type:City hotel

    Total rooms:195

    1 min. walk from the south exit of Mishima station

  • Hotel α-1 (Alpha One) Mishima

    Hotel type:Business hotel

    Total rooms:241

    2 min. walk from the south exit of Mishima station

  • Hotel Massimo Mishima

    Hotel type:City hotel

    Total rooms:39

    2 min. walk from the south exit of Mishima station

  • Hotel Shomeikan

    Hotel type:City hotel

    Total rooms:127

    2 min. walk from the south exit of Mishima station

  • Dormy Inn Mishima

    Hotel type:Business hotel

    Total rooms:170

    5 min. walk from the south exit of Mishima station

  • Toyoko Inn Fujisan Mishima-eki

    Hotel type:Business hotel

    Total rooms:365

    1 min. walk from the north exit of Mishima station